Feb 25, 2009


hurm.. now I still thinking..
is Ernie going to stop herself not to watch + like + obsessed with korean thinggy???... huhuhu
or should I make a pool for everyone to vote yes or no??
just another week for me to start studying...
actually I`m very eager to do that...
but I do hope that none of my friend will say
" Ernnie, dah la tuh..."
" Ernnie, stop it.."
for me crazy about KOrean Thinggy,, its like smoking...
its hard to quit smoking if you smoked 3 pack per day...
really need a lot of determination to do that..
( I`m not saying that I`m smoke though )..
and thanked...
the dramas that I`ve been followed since last year finished already...
but what about the others??
* suju are doing their comeback in MArch...
* ss501 will release their album in June maybe
but for me.. I thinked the best way is to reduce it a little but I`cant say I`ll not stop...
and my goals are
to study hard and fly to Aussie...( I still remember what U say Hani Nadrah )
make a lot of money...
have a holiday in Korea...
and I`ll make sure that I will achive my goals...
time will come no matter what.........

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