May 29, 2009


that wednesday, we were having an usrah...
and kak nik did ask all of us 1 question...
can u tell me 1 thing that u felt greatful towards Him??
and I realized that it is not just one thing but too many things...
I pick some of my friends answer.
1. greatful coz we have a great parent ( Thanks Allah!!)
2. greatful coz we still alive in this world... ( Kamshahamida Allah!!)
3. greatful coz Allah gave us a challenge for us to endure.. ( HE still love us!!)
and i said that I`m greatful coz Allah still give me all the senses..( I still can see, touch, taste,and hear and many others that I didnt realize but I`m using it)
and when I think again, we actually received a LOT ( I mean really a LOT) that what we are imagine...sometimes we forget HIM...
and I think if someone gave a very special gift to us and we sometimes forget that person,,, surely he or she will be very sad, dissapointed, and sometimes angry...
but it will never happened to Allah...
when people dont love HIM -- HE still give a LOT of thing without thinking twice
when someone love HIM more -- HE gave MOre and MOre and more gift to that person...
Great isn`t??
and now, i`m happy coz Allah give me a very good friends who sometimes lend me a hand when I`m in a trouble... and a good parent as well...
and about my parent, i cant describe more how good they are to me although I always think the other way...again, THANK ALLAH for all those thing..

May 23, 2009

SuPEr Junior Won- Its YOU!!!

OMG!! I`m really impressed with them...
good performance as usual..
donghae make some mistake at first...
dont care, he`s still hot n cute..hahaha...
when they announce it, donghae somehow look totally lost...
BUT.. is yesungie try to flirt with him at the last part???
and good donghae, he refuse it.. hahaha...
cute donghae...
soo happy and some more,
I`m free with my video thinggy...
finished already...

and... I`m craving for BIG APPLE DONUTS...

May 17, 2009

T.I.R.E.D. + H.A.P.P.Y.

Its been a while since I didnt post anything here...
really busy...
with a lots of work and project plus assignment plus exam...
time to study also become lesser...
OMG!!! today suju on INKIGAYO doing their first time ITS YOU...
I love that song...(Thanks E-Tribe) awesome perf
and want to say bout their perf..
1. they are sweating like CRAZY!!!!
2. THey still Hot as ever!!
3. Donghae Pants -___-
4. Hyukjae, U totally make me crazy la...( 1st time like other than Donghae)
5. No Kibum Still??? ( my friend Ain, wait 4 u sooo long) please..
6. Heechul somehow look like Noh from Msia Indie BAnd, HUJAN
7. Sungmin n KAngin <<>
8. Yesung, why u suddenly become hot out of nowhere..(I`ve been hit by You)
9. Nuga2 part, was so ARGHHHHHH aka I love it.. hahaha
and some more, I can d.load their v high quality perf...
thats why I can see their sweat...lalalala~~

May 1, 2009

a new day and a new life...

I`m going back to my hometown...
lega sikit..
after having a tough week at Taylor....
and some more tougher week...

" PLease la Ernnie, could you please be more positive in your life??"

I remember one thing..( I read a book by Sis Zab)
- Never ever blame anyone...
- Blame yourself
- you point 1 finger to others,4 coming back to you.. rite...

OKAY Stop HEre____________

yesterday, while I walked with my family at Jusco,
I found something intesting...
hahaha ( anything that related to Korean really interest me!!)
its a Hongkie Kopitiam...
I snap a pic...

Just remember me of Hongki in FT Island..
I`m not really a fan of them.. but their song is nice...
Just wondering is there any Donghae cafe or Kyujoong Restaurant...
surely i will enter one ( unless if its not halal la)

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