Sep 5, 2014

Global Tawbah talk by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

28 September 2014

Honestly Ernnie tak pernah mengikuti speech Shaykh di mana- mana even di Youtube sekalipun. Tapi tak bermaksud Ernnie tak pernah dengar nama Shaykh sebelum ni. He's quite popular among my colleagues. 

Bila dengar, what a talk. Shaykh menekankan konsep Global Tawbah di mana pada masa ini apa yang kita perlukan ialah konsep Taubat di atas semua kerosakkan di atas bumi yang dilakukan oleh manusia sendiri. 

Shaykh started the talk with a question why are we created?
Menurut Shaykh, pada zaman civilisation dahulu, manusia tidak mempunyai purpose of existance. Macam tak tahu hidup ini untuk apa. 

Selepas kedatangan Islam, barulah semua itu berubah. Teringat kata-kata Shaykh, Islam came not to demolish everything, but to repair the defect. Rasulullah purify everything but not turn upside down everything. 

Menurut Syakh lagi, 3 purpose kenapa Manusia dicipta. 

1. Isti'mar : -> build and cultivate the ummah. because Islam can deals with everyone even people in isolation. 

2. Istikhlaf -> as a replacement of previous generations.

3. To adore Allah -> by knowing our Creator and to prostrate Allah with knowledge. 

Referring to (3), Shaykh mention the importance of having knowledge. To be a knowledgeable person and at the same time remember that original thing comes from Allah. Shaykh said "NOTHING COMES FROM NOTHING". We are rule by AQAL, NAFS and BALANCE. Need to have balance in everything. 

At the end of his speech, he mentioned about the importance of the four Imam(s) to strengthen our Ibadat and how the Muslims (youth) nowadays react to certain disastrous events. "We are turning ourself like jellyfish community in the sea ; spineless, brainless and consuming". 

I went to the talk with my housemates. It was a wonderful evening. Jazakallah Shaykh. May Allah bless you and your family. Ameen. 

Ernnie And Kak Ieja. Wearing my comfy jubah from @farahiskandar. :)) 

Ni pulak dengan Kak Munira. :))

Bumped into Maisarah!! MashaAllah. Happy sangat malam tu. It's been a while kan Mai baru dapat jumpa. ngehehehe :) Mai dah janji nak belanja Kak Ernnie makan kan? 

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