Mar 9, 2009


Argh!! I`m addicted to their song already....
I woke up at 7... dont know that their song will release at 10am (korean time)
and exactly at 9am, I listened to the song..
and hwah!!!

*Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry
내가 내가 내가 먼저
네게 네게 네게 빠져
빠져 빠져 버려 baby

#Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty
눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔
숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀
내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby

u can hear it here...
and judge urself...

and u really find it very addictive...
better than nobody, gee, pretty girls...

(my opinion)
credits to : kyastyle1

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