that wednesday, we were having an usrah...
and kak nik did ask all of us 1 question...
can u tell me 1 thing that u felt greatful towards Him??
and I realized that it is not just one thing but too many things...
I pick some of my friends answer.
1. greatful coz we have a great parent ( Thanks Allah!!)
2. greatful coz we still alive in this world... ( Kamshahamida Allah!!)
3. greatful coz Allah gave us a challenge for us to endure.. ( HE still love us!!)
and i said that I`m greatful coz Allah still give me all the senses..( I still can see, touch, taste,and hear and many others that I didnt realize but I`m using it)
and when I think again, we actually received a LOT ( I mean really a LOT) that what we are imagine...sometimes we forget HIM...
and I think if someone gave a very special gift to us and we sometimes forget that person,,, surely he or she will be very sad, dissapointed, and sometimes angry...
but it will never happened to Allah...
when people dont love HIM -- HE still give a LOT of thing without thinking twice
when someone love HIM more -- HE gave MOre and MOre and more gift to that person...
Great isn`t??
and now, i`m happy coz Allah give me a very good friends who sometimes lend me a hand when I`m in a trouble... and a good parent as well...
and about my parent, i cant describe more how good they are to me although I always think the other way...again, THANK ALLAH for all those thing..